Monday, July 27, 2009

Chapter 8: Grading and Reporting Achievement

As a note, each chapter poses several questions. Please do not feel obligated to answer each question by number; rather, use them as a guide for you to respond to the reading and share your thinking about the ideas in the book.

1. When teachers believe that grading in a differentiated classroom is difficult, if not impossible, what are the issues and concerns fueling that belief?

2. The authors assert that the primary goal of grading and reporting is to communicate to important audiences, such as students and parents, high-quality feedback to support the learning process and to encourage learner success.

  • To what extent do present grading and reporting practices effectively communicate? To what extent are they accurate and fair?
  • In what ways do current grading practices achieve that goal for academically diverse student populations?
  • In what ways do current grading practices fall short of achieving that goal for academically diverse student populations? In other words, for whom do current grading practices “work” and for whom do they “not work”?

3. The chapter offers six principles of effective grading and reporting. Examine them individually and discuss which students might learn more effectively if the principle were reflected in grading and reporting procedures—and which students suffer when they are not. Be sure to take into account the impact of grading practices on student motivation.

4. In what ways might reporting three factors — student achievement of goals, progress toward those goals, and work habits in pursuit of those goals — improve student motivation? Student performance? Parent understanding of student work? Teacher satisfaction with reporting?

5. Review Figure 8.1. What big ideas unify Understanding by Design, Differentiation, and effective grading practice?

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Chapter 7: Teaching for Understanding in Academically Diverse Classrooms

As a note, each chapter poses several questions. Please do not feel obligated to answer each question by number; rather, use them as a guide for you to respond to the reading and share your thinking about the ideas in the book.

  1. List and explain various ways in which the teacher's role differs in an understanding-oriented classroom vs. a coverage-oriented one.
  2. Illustrate with examples from your content area how a coverage-oriented lesson might proceed and how an-understanding-based lesson might proceed. Be sure to state the essential questions around which your understanding-oriented example is based and to show how the six facets of understanding might shape the lesson as well.
  3. The authors reject the idea of having students “climb Bloom's ladder” as a means of differentiation. How do you feel about their reasoning? Why?
  4. In what ways might a teacher use the WHERETO framework to support understanding for students with varied learning needs? In other words, how can WHERETO support differentiation?

Monday, July 13, 2009

Chapter 6: Responsive Teaching with UbD in Academically Diverse Classrooms

As a note, each chapter poses several questions. Please do not feel obligated to answer each question by number; rather, use them as a guide for you to respond to the reading and share your thinking about the ideas in the book.

1. This chapter proposes several “givens” or principles of planning that support effective differentiation:

  • All students (except those with IEPs indicating otherwise, which is the case for other the givens that follow) should work with the big ideas and essential skills of a topic.
  • All students should work at high levels of thought and on authentic tasks.
  • All students should have consistent support for growing in understanding and skill.
  • All students should have opportunity to make personal meaning of important ideas.
  • Teacher-guided instruction should ensure clarity of student understanding.
  • Students should have full knowledge of learning goals and indicators of success.
  • Pre-assessment and formative assessment should guide teacher thinking and instructional planning.

Examining the principles one by one, what are likely outcomes in classrooms where teachers attempt to “differentiate instruction” when the principle is not evident in the teacher's practice?

2. It is likely the case that, at various times, teachers play the role of direct instructor, facilitator, and coach (See Figure 6.1). Give specific examples of when each role is needed. How do you think differentiation looks different across those roles? What would remain consistent about differentiation across the roles?

3. Review Figure 6.2: Options for Flexible Use of Classroom Elements to Address Learning Needs.

  • Which classroom elements do you already use in flexible ways to address learner variance?
  • In which of the elements would you like to continue developing flexibility of use?
  • Revise the figure by suggesting other examples of flexible use and other learner needs the adaptations could address.

4. Based on your own experience and ideas from the chapter, what are ways teachers can make instructional planning more manageable and efficient when they work to meet the varying needs of diverse learners?

Monday, July 6, 2009

Chapter 5: Considering Evidence of Learning in Diverse Classrooms

As a note, each chapter poses several questions. Please do not feel obligated to answer each question by number; rather, use them as a guide for you to respond to the reading and share your thinking about the ideas in the book.

1. Assessment is a critical feature of both UbD and DI. Explain why that is the case for each model separately as you understand them. Also explain how assessment links the two models.

2. Chapter 5 offers three key principles of assessment (photo albums vs. snapshots, measures that match goals, form follows function).

  • What are the big ideas implicit in each principle? Identify specific actions that teachers can take to act on each principle.

  • Explain how each principle matters for successful curricular planning and for successful differentiation.

3. This chapter suggests four classroom assessment practices that honor student differences while promoting critical learning for each student (assessing before teaching, offering appropriate choices in assessments, providing feedback early and often, and encouraging student self-assessment and reflection).

  • What common teacher beliefs and practices do these guidelines challenge?

  • Identify specific examples of each principle in practice.

  • What would change for students in our classrooms if we appropriately followed these guidelines? For teachers? For learners?

4. How would assessment following these guidelines promote learning for a wide range of students rather than simply measuring it?